
 Disk usage analysis - Find out what files, folders, and email accounts are using the most storage space

This article will give you information about how to view your disk usage to find out what files,...

 How do I report spamming or abuse?

At Earth Girl Hosting, a strict zero tolerance policy is in place to combat spam. Any accounts...

 How to create a user-friendly URL using .htaccess?

If your website is using long URL like, you can change it...

 Image sizes and storage space

Image sizes should be from around 40kb to around 550kb. However, we suggest small resolution...

 How to redirect a page to another page or website using .htaccess?

If a page on your website no longer exist and you want to redirect it to your new page or website...

 php error: Allowed memory size of x bytes exhausted

If you are getting an error like "Allowed memory size of... in file...